The Hertie Foundation’s Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Campaign

People united by one thing: they are all much more than just their disease.  With the #MoreThanMS campaign, the Hertie Foundation wants to put the spotlight on a disease that affects over 2.8 million people worldwide. The campaign is intended to help destigmatise multiple sclerosis and provide new perspectives on the “disease with 1000 faces”, which affects people from many walks of life and takes many courses. The non-profit Hertie Foundation has been supporting multiple sclerosis research, the work of MS initiatives and individual assistance for people with MS since its foundation in 1974.


Marie G., 29 – Musician

What is the importance of music for you in your life? How do people around Marie deal with MS? How does she experience the limitations of multiple sclerosis? Learn more about Marie and the #MoreThanMS campaign in our interview.

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Marie lives in Berlin and is a passionate musician. Sometimes the microphone suddenly slips out of her hand – but she has learned to deal with it. Marie contributed the music in addition to her personal story for the #MoreThanMS campaign of the non-profit Hertie Foundation.

Mutiple sclerosis by the numbers


Two-thirds of people affected by multiple sclerosis are women.


Karolina Q., 31 – Nurse

How does a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis change your life? What has Karolina’s experience been with sports and the disease? How does a family with children live with multiple sclerosis? Learn more about Karolina and the #MoreThanMS campaign in our interview.

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Karolina is a nurse and mother of two who lives near Berlin, and she is #MoreThanMS. Sometimes she gets dizzy all of a sudden. She is familiar with the feeling and usually catches herself again quickly. She loves sports because it is where she draws strength and peace.

Mutiple sclerosis by the numbers


Multiple sclerosis is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40.


Andreas B., 58 – Artist

How does a relationship work when one person has MS? What hopes does Andreas have for his future? What does he want from society? Learn more about him and the #MoreThanMS campaign in our interview.

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Andreas is an airbrush artist who lives with his girlfriend in Geldern, and he is #MoreThanMS. When working on his large-scale paintings he sometimes reaches his limits and needs to take a break. His girlfriend is an important support for him. They like to sit together in their big garden and recharge their batteries.

Multiple sclerosis by the numbers


About a quarter of a million people in Germany suffer from MS.


Dr. Eva Koch

Fabian Famulok

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We award the Hertie Prize and various grants to individuals, associations and initiatives in the field of multiple sclerosis and other diseases of the nervous system.

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MS Research. Through medMS, the Hertie Foundation supports doctors and doctoral students in their research on multiple sclerosis and assists researchers in exploring non-drug therapies.

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